so it's been a while...

...more than two years in fact, and a fair bit has happened.

I did get my private pilots licence, but it took a fair while; I finally got it done in May 2011. For a whole bunch of reasons we decided that going down the mission pilot path wasn't what God had planned for us, so we changed course. We moved home and church in November 2010, and in 2011 I started doing a ministry traineeship at Macquarie Baptist Church. In the middle of the year we had Jacie, the cutest daughter I could wish for, who is about to turn 1!! The year of ministry at MBC and with Christian Union at Mac Uni was hard and awesome, and it seemed like God was pushing us towards full time church work, so I enrolled at Morling College - the NSW Baptist theological college.

That's where I am now, studying madly to try and get through my first semester of assignments and exams! Life has been huge and crazy and hard and exciting and insane, but we're confident that this is where God wants us to be now. Now all I've got to do is get my head around Greek!

I'm hoping to get back into the blogging groove, and share some thoughts about college and whatever else crosses my mind, but we'll see how it goes. 

scrawled bysteve at 5:32 PM 1 comments