2010: plans change…

tonight we got some sad news. a call from NTM to inform us that the training that we had committed to for 2010 will not be running.


we don’t have heaps of information about what’s going on, but the main reason for the decision from NTM is that there aren’t enough trainers to enable the course to run.

while we are very disappointed about this, it’s good to know that God will direct us where he wants to be – and this is a very clear “NO” for training with NTM next year. we are blessed in a lot of ways… we have a house to live in, we both have jobs, and there are heaps of ways that we can get involved in ministry here next year.

the cancellation of the training course has affected a lot of ppl; our friends in port mac particularly are unsure of what they will do next year now, and the whole team at NTM are finding the situation difficult and disappointing. for those of you who pray, please keep the team at NTM in your prayers, and particularly our friends scott and sarah!

thanks so much for all the support that you guys have been, we really appreciate it! the news hasn’t completely sunk in yet, and we now have to think and pray about what we do in the next couple of years… we’ll keep you informed about that and any other info we get as it comes.

God be praised, his Will will be done. it’s good that we can trust him to have a plan for our lives and we don’t have to worry too much when our plans fail.

scrawled bysteve at 7:13 PM 3 comments  

2010: port mac or bust…

so, we’ve made a decision! after much thinking and praying we’ve decided to trust God for next year and commit to training with NTM in port macquarie in 2010!!

very exciting times, very interesting times! we don’t know how God’s going to provide for us, whether we end up at port mac for two years or end up in my parents spare room looking for work, but either way we’re wanting to step out in faith and trust that God will put us where he wants us to be!

training starts on jan 27, God willing we’ll be moving up the weekend before and setting up house at NTM… can’t wait! there’s a three-bedroom house waiting for us on the NTM campus… so plenty of room for visitors!

i’ll give a bit more detail ‘bout what we’ll be doing in another blog; for now i just wanted to share the news cos we’re EXCITED!!!! w00t!


for some basic info on the course have a look here…

the site is in lakewood:


googlemaps link here…


did i say it’s EXCITING???!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!  hehe

scrawled bysteve at 7:22 PM 4 comments  

2010: the plot thickens…

oops, a month slipped by! exciting times for us!

two big bits of news: the 2010 NTM training course is definitely running! praise God for providing trainers!; and we have been formally accepted by NTM to study with them in 2010!!!!! w00t!

God seems to be opening all the doors for us to head up to port mac next year. we’ve had heaps of encouragement from ppl around us, and have visited a couple of home groups to let ppl know what’s going on. we’ve got a few more groups lined up and are hoping that others will express interest soon!

so… what now?

  • raising awareness and support. like i mentioned, more visits to home groups and anyone who wants to hear ‘bout what we are doing. we’re also doing a presentation to all 3 services at St Marks on November 22.
  • make a decision about 2010. we can’t financially support ourselves (mostly because of the cost of flying) so we are relying on God and his ppl to get us there. it’s unlikely that we’ll be given all the money we need for the year, so at some stage we’ll have to decide to step out in faith that this is what God wants us to do and to trust him to provide. feel free to pray for wisdom and discernment!
  • finishing my PPL. there’s a LOT of studying to be done before i can go for my licence, and not a lot of time for it to be done in. i’ve also had to cancel a lot of flights due to the weather… at the moment it’s ok, but if i miss many more i’ll be cutting things a bit too fine.

that’s ‘bout it for now, feel free to shoot me an email or ask questions on facebook if u wanna know something! and if you’re a praying person, please remember us in ur prayers!!!


oh, almost forgot, here’s a link to our flyer if ur interested! the outside first, and the inside of the flyer…

scrawled bysteve at 6:43 PM 1 comments