YSCN –> YORG and more (MUCH more)…

nav 2 is complete! two weeks back i flew out of camden to orange via katoomba and bathurst, returning past oberon. it was an awesome flight; it’s cool to fly over the mountains (such as they are) and some ground features more interesting than the flat area around camden! finding some of the runways can be interesting, it’s hard to pick one paddock from another! flight time was around 2.5hrs… slightly quicker than driving ;-)

one more nav and then a check flight before i do my first solo nav!! after that a few more navs and i’m ready for my PPL flight test!! crazy times… the main thing that’s holding me back is my theory. i want to sit my PPL tests before the end of the year, so i need to cover more than a module a week, which means i’ll have to be giving up some more time for the books

katoomba and three sisters from the air:


orange airport:



so why the deadline? well one reason is cos i need deadlines otherwise i’ll never get anything done. the other reason is that skye and i are thinking about the “MUCH more” that is mentioned above…

we are thinking about going to study with NTM for a year starting in january!!

as part of the long term plan to fly mission support for NTM somewhere overseas we need to do 2yrs of training with NTM. originally we were thinking that i would finish my flight training to a commercial level and then look into training, but now we’re thinking about doing a year in 2010, coming back to sydney(ish?) for up to 4yrs while i do more flight training and then finishing our NTM training. huge changes, massive possibilities, and totally relying on God for guidance and provision. we can’t afford to do it ourselves so we’d be relying on God through family and friends etc to pay for everything. we’d also be leaving jobs to live up at NTM in lakewood for a year then looking for work and a place to live afterwards.

at this stage it’s not set in stone, but it’s something that we are seriously thinking and praying about. it would be awesome to go and spend a year training… please keep us in your prayers and think about whether you can support us in any way! if you’re interested in finding out more about the course check out the prospectus or for general info on NTM click the pic below


scrawled bysteve at 3:49 PM 5 comments